

RTD对整个轻轨系统进行定期检查. The intent of inspections is to identify preventive maintenance that may need to be addressed in the near-term or future. This proactive approach allows the agency to ensure all rail assets are in a state of good repair and avoid long-term service disruptions and major infrastructure issues.

RTD隶属于美国公共交通协会(APTA) 定期检查和维护的标准 固定结构轨道交通轨道. 美国物理治疗协会的标准, 哪个RTD在2024年5月开始使用, 包括视觉, 电, 对影响安全可靠运行的部件进行机械检查, 以及实施相应速度限制的标准. These standards also identify the necessary qualifications for rail transit system employees or contractors who perform periodic inspections and maintenance tasks. 定期检查支持并大大降低危险和系统故障的风险.


RTD schedules and conducts regular inspections of its entire light rail system to proactively manage assets and plan for large-scale renewal and reconstruction efforts. 每年由受过训练的职员进行检查, 季度, 每月, 每周两次, 取决于正在执行的检查类型.




Staff walk the entire system every 90 days to take additional measurements and carefully document anomalies. 每季度的步行检查允许该机构进行测量, 收集数千个数据点, 识别反复出现的问题, 分析模式. 实际检查月份可以在一个季度内调整.

中央走廊D, H和L一月、四月、七月和十月
柏堤道/ I-225走廊H和R3月、6月、9月和12月
东南走廊E, H, R二月、五月、八月和十一月




Staff use a hi-rail (hy-rail) vehicle to inspect all corridors and rail alignments twice weekly at speeds where the track can be carefully assessed. Hi-rail vehicles travel at a speed no greater than 5 MPH when inspecting at-grade crossings and switches, 系统其他地方最高可达15英里每小时. 这些车辆速度使工作人员能够有效地进行轨道检查.



每90天进行一次轨道检查, 东南走廊当时也要进行检查.


No. 随着维修工作的完成,减速区的限速将继续取消.


No. 在2024年5月进行检查之前, RTD did not anticipate that preventive maintenance issues would be discovered and lead to speed restrictions.

Inspections are conducted to inform the agency about preventive maintenance that may need to be addressed in the future or issues that currently exist. The 东南走廊 inspections conducted in May 2024 were done to provide RTD with information about its assets, 而这条轨道当时也要接受检查.

所有运输机构都进行定期检查,以发现预防性维修问题和缺陷. 通过早期干预工作和维护来解决问题和缺陷, RTD能够确保所有铁路资产处于良好的维修状态. Preventive maintenance supports RTD’s efforts to avoid larger disruptions and major infrastructure problems.


从2024年5月开始,RTD开始使用增强的检查方法. 增强的检查包括更深入的检查, 对整个铁路系统及其基础设施进行定期评估. 在这个增强的过程中, RTD现在每个季度进行25次铁路检查,而不是以前的4次. The enhanced inspections improve RTD’s ability to proactively manage its assets and plan for large-scale renewal and reconstruction efforts.

具体地说, trained staff use a hi-rail (hy-rail) vehicle to ride the entire system twice weekly at speeds where the track can be carefully inspected. 根据第3节.美国公共交通协会(APTA)的铁路检查标准(APTA RT-FS-S-002-02, Rev. 1)轨道”必须每周步行检查, or by riding over the track in a vehicle at a speed that allows detection of noncompliance with [APTA’s] standards (see page 2).” The hi-rail vehicles travel at a speed no greater than 5 miles-per-hour when inspecting at-grade crossings and switches, 其他地方的时速最高可达15英里. 这些车辆速度使工作人员能够有效地进行轨道检查. 另外, staff walk the entire system every 90 days to take additional measurements and carefully document anomalies.

作为加强检查的一部分,RTD还改进了其记录保存程序. Maintaining more robust records and comprehensive documents allows the agency to 识别反复出现的问题, 分析模式, 随着时间的推移进行测量, 并发现整个铁路系统的趋势. It also ensures there is consistency in the inspection process and enhances transparency with stakeholders, 客户, 和社区.


In 2023, RTD发起了回归基本的战略倡议, 优先强调保持机构的所有资产处于良好的维修状态. 像其他公共交通机构一样,RTD的资产在其使用寿命内处于不同的年龄.

All of RTD’s fixed assets are regularly monitored and inspected to ensure they support operationally safe, 可访问的, 可靠的服务. Regular inspections guarantee that the public’s previous investments in the system remain intact and are required by regulatory oversight entities. 检查也是有效铁路管理的一个重要组成部分, 为安全做出贡献, 可靠的, 以及RTD铁路系统的高效运行.


The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) has established 定期检查和维护的标准 固定结构轨道交通轨道. APTA的标准包括定期视觉, 电, 对影响安全可靠运行的部件进行机械检查. This standards also identify the necessary qualifications for rail transit system employees or contractors who perform periodic inspection and maintenance tasks.

RTD开始使用APTA的标准(APTA RT-FS-S-002-02, Rev. 1), 2024年5月. The standards guide staff in assessing and verifying that RTD’s tracks are operating safely and as designed. 该标准还通过注意预防性维护来支持铁路网的可靠性, 它大大降低了危险和失败的风险.

如APTA标准第20页所述, 目前每小时10英里的限速是在最低限度的补救措施之后实施的. 这取决于铁路轨道燃烧的大小, 在表11c中被称为“车轮燃烧”, 所需的最低补救措施是降低速度,直到问题得到解决. Depth and size measurements have been taken for each instance of railhead burn along the 东南走廊.


收养前 美国物理治疗协会的标准, RTD conducted inspections using an internally developed process that included less frequent inspections.


是的. RTD will continue to conduct regular inspections of the entire light rail system and track infrastructure. 由训练有素的人员定期进行检查. 该机构超过120英里的轻轨轨道每90天检查一次. 如果必要的, 速度限制在检查后到位,直到维修问题得到解决.

Is rail grinding an option for some of the instances of railhead burn that do not yet meet the depth and size requirements for replacing the rail?

是的. 根据… 美国物理治疗协会的标准在美国,铁路磨削是东南走廊沿线铁路头燃烧的一些实例的一种选择. 这一补救行动将在必要的时间和地点采取.


In 2022, RTD self-reported to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC) that the rail conditions at the intersection of 19th and Stout streets were found to be below industry acceptable standards for normal rail activities. The PUC approved RTD’s proposed corrective action plan outlining steps the agency will take in the future to ensure its light rail track is inspected and maintained at the highest industry standards. 最近的检查是按照RTD的纠正措施计划进行的, 其中包括发现问题时的速度限制.


在RTD最近的轨道检查中发现了一些小问题和外观缺陷. The 东南走廊’s light rail track remains safe for operations under the current speed restrictions. 轨基、紧固件、轨底结构或轨床均未发现结构性缺陷. RTD有各种迹象表明,东南走廊沿线的轨道保持稳定和完整.

2024年5月的检查发现了铁路头部燃烧的情况, which is a surface defect on the top side of the track where light rail vehicle wheels make contact with the rail. 

照片: 在东南走廊的一段轻轨轨道上发现了铁路头烧伤(2024年5月)


轨头烧伤是指轨顶表面的损坏,即所谓的轨头. It isprimarily caused by wheel friction and leads to the formation of tiny cracks and surface irregularities. 随着时间的推移, 这种损坏会影响钢轨的平整度, 可能危及安全,需要维护或更换轨道.


RTD始终坚持最高水平的安全标准, 即使它会对计划服务和准时性能造成影响. 如果铁路头烧伤没有得到充分解决和轨道维护, 这个问题有可能造成裂痕. Trains operate at slower-than-normal speeds to ensure 客户 and employees remain safe until maintenance is completed. The 东南走廊’s light rail track remains safe for operations under the current speed restrictions.

此外,还观察到轨道镇流器需要平整或改进的例子. 道砟是一种碎石或砾石材料,用于支撑和平整轨道. 压载物的主要目的是 为轨道提供稳定性, 让列车平稳安全运行.

照片: Insufficient amount of ballast found on a section of the 东南走廊’s light rail track (May 2024)